Curriculum Vitae

Asja Prohić
Place of Birth:
Sarajevo, Bosna and Hercegovina
Sarajevo Medical School
University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology
Hrasnička cesta 3a
71 210 Ilidža
+387 (33) 975-042
+387 (33) 975-030


1980 - 1985
University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Medicine
1986 - 1988
Postgraduate study at the University of Sarajevo - Branch: Experimental Medicine
Master of Science degree (MSc)
Thesis: “Some Aspects of Iatrogenic Hirsutism of Younger Women in Comparison to Idiopatic Hirsutism”
Specialist Examination at Dermatovenerology Clinic, Clinical Center University of Sarajevo -
specialist in dermatovenerology
2000 - 2002
Doctorate study at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo
Doctor of Philosophy degree (PhD)
Thesis "Correlation of Malassezia species findings in some skin disesses"

Clinical Training

1986 - 1988
General Practitioner, General Medical Practice, Sarajevo
1988 - 1992
Specialisation at Dermatovenerology Clinic, Clinical Center University of Sarajevo
4/1998 - 6/1998
Dermatovenerology Clinic, University of Salzburg, Austria Training in immunofluorescence technique
Dermatovenerology Clinic University in Tuebingen, Germany Training in corrective and plastic skin surgery
4/1999 - 5/1999
St. John’s Institute of Dermatology, King's College London, UK Training in autoimmune bullosus dermatoses
Dermatovenerology Clinic, University of Basel, Switzerland Training in dermatologic phototherapy
St. John’s Institute of Dermatology, King's College London, UK Training in mycology
Dermatovenerology Clinic, University of Graz, Austria Training in mycology

Professional activities

Assistent of Dermatovenerology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo
Assistent of Dermatovenerology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Sarajevo
Clinical Assistent Professor, Dermatovenerology Clinic, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo
Clinical Assistent Professor, Dermatovenerology Clinic, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Sarajevo
Clinical Professor, Dermatovenerology Clinic, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo
Clinical Professor, Dermatovenerology Clinic, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Sarajevo
2012 - 2020
Head of the Department of Dermatovenerology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo
2020 -
Head of the Department of Dermatovenerology Sarajevo Medical School - Univerzitet SSST


1988 - present
Dermatovenerology Clinic, Clinical Center University of Sarajevo
2005 - 2009
Deputy Head of Dermatovenerology Clinic, Clinical Center University of Sarajevo
2009 - 2011
Head of Division for Intensive care unit of Dermatovenerology Clinic, Clinical Center University of Sarajevo
2012 -
Head of Hospital unit of Dermatovenerology Clinic, Clinical Center University of Sarajevo

Professional Memberships

Dermatovenerology Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina (DSBiH)
European Confederation of Mycology (ECM)
European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology (EADV) - Member of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology Board of Directors.
International Society for Infectious Disease (ISID)
International Society of Teledermatology (IST)

Psoriasis Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina ( - President

Global Psoriasis Atlas (GPA) - Regional coordinator

Skin Inflammation and Psoriasis International Network (SPIN) - National Representative

Scholarships and awards

German Academic Exchange Service, Tuebingen, Germany
4/1998 - 6/1998
Austrian Academic Exchange Service, Salzburg, Austria
4/1999 - 5/1999
Soros Foundations, London, UK
Austrian Academic Excange Service, Salzburg, Austria          
International Investigative Dermatology award, Miami, Florida, USA 

Language skils

reading, writing, speaking - fluent 
reading, writing, speaking - fluent 
reading, writing, speaking - good


  1. Prohic A. Dermatophytes and dermatophytoses. Faculty of Medicine, University of  Sarajevo, 2009.
  2. Prohic A. Malassezia yeasts and human diseases. Institute for Science, Education and Development, Clinical Center University of Sarajevo, 2009.
  3. Prohic A., Kasumagic-Halilovic E. Diseases of the nails. Matica Sarajevo, 2009.
  4. Prohic A. Dermatovenerology: Textbook and atlas. Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo, 2012.
  5. Prohic A. Dermatovenerology: Textbook and atlas - second edition, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo, 2018.
  6. Prohic A., Doss N: Skin Infections, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo, 2019. 
Book Chapters
  1. Prohic A. Viruses in dermatology. In: Subasic D, Seric K. Clinical Virology. KCUS, ANUBIH 2002.
  2. Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Prohic A. Vitamins and oligoelemente in the treatment of hair shedding. In: Situm M, Oremovic L. Trichology, Naklada Slap, Zagreb, 2007.
  3. Prohic A. Manifestation of systemic diseases on the scalp. In: Simic D, Hadzigrahic N. Diseases of the scalp and hair. GNP Solvej, University Clinical Hospital Mostar, 2010.
  4. Simic D. Prohic A, Demirovic H. Antihistamines in dermatology. In: Emergencies in dermatology. Bosnalijek d.d. Sarajevo 2011.
  5. Prohić A Psoriasis and Malassezia yeasts. In: Psoriasis - A Systemic Disease, Ed. O'Daly J, InTech, 2012.
  6. Prohić A., Doss N., Hay R.J., Diallo M., Gupta A.K. (2019) Fungal Skin Infections (Mycology). In: Smoller B., Bagherani N. (eds) Atlas of Dermatology, Dermatopathology and Venereology. Springer, Cham. 
  7. Prohić A., A Six-Year Boy with Hypopigmented Lesions on the Neck, Retroauricullary, and on the Lateral Face. In: Clinical Cases in Pigmentary Disorders. Springer Nature, Switzerland 2020. 
  8. Prohić A., Kuskunovic-Vlahovljak S. An Irregular Pigmented Lesion of the Lower Eyelid Margin. In: Lotti T., Tirant M., Wollina U. (eds) Clinical Cases in Melanoma. Clinical Cases in Dermatology. Springer, Cham. 2020. 
  9. Prohić A., Dark Pigmented Ulceration on the Bottom of a Toe. In: Lotti T., Tirant M., Wollina U. (eds) Clinical Cases in Melanoma. Clinical Cases in Dermatology. Springer, Cham. 2020. 
  1. Ibrulj-Prohic Dj, Prohic A. 13-cis-retinoid acid as a medicament of choice in the therapy of severe acne vulgaris. Med Arh 1990;44:5-6.
  2. Prohic A. Immunofluorescence technique in the diagnosis of autoimmune bullous dermatoses. Medical Journal 1998; 4(2):119-25.
  3. Prohic A., Black M M. Techniques used in the diagnosis of acquired intraepidermal bullous disorders. Acta Dermatovenereol Croat 1999;7(3):121-6.
  4. Prohic A. Therapy of vitiligo in children. Medical Journal 1999;5(2):179-85.
  5. Prohic A. Cutaneous basement membrane: Characterization of target antigen. Acta Dermatovenereol Croat 2000;8(4):245-51.
  6. Prohic A. Identification of Malassezia yeasts. Medical Journal 2000;6(2):138-43.
  7. Prohic A. Alendar F. Mujadzic E. Scleredema adultorum: a case report. Acta Dermatovenereol Croat 2001; 9(2):111-3.
  8. Prohic A. Does the Risk of Iatrogenic Transmission of Prions in Dermatology Exist? Medical Journal 2003; 9(1):89-95.
  9. Prohic A. Identification of Malassezia Species Isolated from Scalp Skin of Patients with Psoriasis and Healthy Subjects. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 2003; 11(1):10-6.
  10. ProhicA The Prevalence of Zoophylic dermatophytes in Sarajevo area. Med Arh 2003; 57(2):101-4.
  11. Prohic A., Kasumagic E, Samardzic S. Herpes zoster - clinical material analysis in ten year period. Med Glas 2005;2(2): 64-7.
  12. Prohic A. Malassezia yeasts as commensals on Human Skin. Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Department of Medical Sciences Vol 34, Centre of Medical Research Vol 4, 2005: 107-15.
  13. Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Prohic A Alopecia areata: Treatment options. Medical Journal 2006; 3(1):10-4.
  14. Prohic A., Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Kantor M. Mal de Meleda: A report of two cases in one family. Medicinski glasnik 2006;3(2):73-6.
  15. Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Prohic A. Serum levels of total immunoglobulin E in patients with alopecia areata: relationship with clinical type of the disease. Acta Dermatovenereol Croat 2006;14(3):149-52.
  16. Prohic A. Ozegovic L. Dermatophytoses in Sarajevo Area between 1998-2005. Acta Medica Academica 2006;35:30-4.
  17. Prohic A. Ozegovic L. Malassezia species isolated from lesional and non-lesional skin in patients with pityriasis versicolor. Mycoses 2007;50(1):58-63.
  18. Prohic A., Selmanagic A, Bilalalovic N. Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis type NPS-3: a case report. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 2007;15(1):20-3.
  19. Prohic A., Helppikangas H, Muhovic J. Targeting psoriasis with new therapies. Med Glas 2007; 4(2):56-62.
  20. Prohic A. An epidemiological survey of tinea capitis in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina over a 10-year period. Mycoses 2008;51(2):161–4.
  21. Prohic A., Alendar F, Simic D, Masic I. The first dermatovenerologic institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Arch Dermatol 2008;144(10):1366.
  22. Prohic A. New prospects for systemic therapy in psoriasis. Medical Journal 2008;14(3):99-103.
  23. Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Prohic A. Association between alopecia areata and atopy. Med Arh 2008;62(2):82-4.
  24. Prohic A., Simic D, Kasumagic-Halilovic E. New Treatments for psoriasis: Biologic Agents. Materia Socio Medica 2008; 20(3):133-192.
  25. Prohic A., Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Simic D, Selmanagic A. Clinical and biological factors predictive of malignancy in dermatomyositis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2009; 23(5):591-2.
  26. Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Prohic A. Nail changes in alopecia areata: frequency and clinical presentation. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2009; 23(2): 240-1.
  27. Prohic A. Distribution of Malassezia species in seborrhoeic dermatitis: correlation with patients' cellular immune status. Mycoses 2009;53:344-9
  28. Prohic A., Kasumagic-Halilovic E. Identification of Malassezia Pachydermatis from Healthy and Diseased Human Skin. Med Arh 2009; 63(6):317-319.
  29. Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Prohic A, Cavaljuga S. Alopecia areata: New treatment modalities. HealthMed 2010; 4(1):163-7.
  30. Simic D, Prohic A., Situm M, Zeljko Penavić J. Risk factors associated with the occurrence of basal cell carcinoma. Coll Antropol 2010;34 Suppl 1:147-50.
  31. Prohic A., Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Hujic-Colic A. Ulcera cruris of non-vascular etiology. Medical Journal 2010;16(1-2):62-6.
  32. Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Prohic A., Ovcina-Kurtovic N, Cavaljuga S. Structural and functional abnormalities of the thyroid gland in patients with alopecia areata. Medical Journal 2010;16(1-2):52-4.
  33. Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Prohic A., Begovic B. TrichoScan as a Method to Determine Hair Root Pattern in Patients with Scalp Psoriasis. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 2010;18/3):146-50.
  34. Prohic A., Kasumagic-Halilovic E. Identification of Malassezia species from immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients with seborrheic dermatitis. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2010;14(12):1019-23.
  35. Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Prohic A., Karamehic J. Serum Concentracions of Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) in Patients with Alopecia areata: Correlation with clinical type and duration of the disease. Med Arh 2010; 64(4):212-4.
  36. Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Prohic A., Begovic B, Ovcina-Kurtovic N. Association between Vitiligo and Thyroid Autoimmunity. J Thyroid Res 2011;2011:938257. Epub 2011 May 4.
  37. Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Prohic A., Mutevelic-Arslanagic N, Cavaljuga S, Karamehic J. The role of interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1α) in the pathogenesis of alopecia areata. Medical Journal 2011; 17(2):118-121.
  38. Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Prohic A., Cavaljuga S. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha in patients with alopecia areata. Indian J Dermatol 2011; 56(5):494-6.
  39. Prohic A., Simic D, Jovovic Sadikovic T, Krupalija-Fazlic M. Distribution of Malassezia species on healthy human skin in Bosnia and Herzegovina: correlation with body part, age and gender. Iran J Microbiol 2014; (4):253-62.
  40. Prohic A., Jovovic Sadikovic T, Krupalija-Fazlic M. Mycological and clinical aspect of tinea faciei: A ten-year study. Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary 2015; 30(1):103-8.
  41. Prohic A., Krupalija-Fazlic M, Jovovic Sadikovic T. Incidence and etiological agents of genital dermatophytosis in males. Med Glas  2015; 12(1):52-6.
  42. Prohic A, Kuskunovic-Vlahovljak S, Jovovic SadikovicT, Cavaljuga S. The Prevalence and Species Composition of Malassezia yeasts in Patients with Clinically Suspected Onychomycosis. Med Ard 2015; 69(2): 81-4.
  43. Prohic A., Muhasilovic S, Kuskunovic A, Hadzihasanovic B, Kuskunovic-Vlahovljak S, Krupalija-Fazlic M, Joguncic A. Gorlin Goltz Syndrome – A Case Report from Bosnia and Herzegovina. International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Case Reports 2015; 3(4; 101-6.
  44. Prohic A, Hadzimuratović A, Kuskunovic-Vlahovljak S, Joguncic A. Risk factors associated with malignancy in paraneoplastic dermatomyositis. Medical Journal 2015; 21(1):13-16.
  45. Šimić D, Prohić A, Puizina Ivić N, Zeljko Penavić J, Tomić T. Aplasia Cutis Congenita in a Newborn Child Associated with Two Fetus Papyraceous. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 2015;23(4):293-7.
  46. Prohic A., Jovovic Sadikovic T, Krupalija-Fazlic M, Kuskunovic-Vlahovljak S. Malassezia species in healthy skin and in dermatological conditions. Int J Dermatol 2016;55(5):494-504.
  47. Prohić A, Jovović Sadiković T, Kuskunović-Vlahovljak S, Baljić R. Distribution of Malassezia Species in Patients with Different Dermatological Disorders and Healthy Individuals. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 2016;24(4):274-281.
  48. Poparic S, Prohic A, Kuskunovic-Vlahovljak S, Guso E, Kapetanovic A. Sister Mary Joseph Nodule in an Ovary Adenocarcinoma. Med Arch 2017; 71(2):154-157.
  49. Saunte DML, Piraccini BM, Sergeev AY, Prohić A, Sigurgeirsson B, Rodríguez-Cerdeira C, Szepietowski JC, Faergemann J, Arabatzis M, Pereiro M, Skerlev M, Lecerf P, Schmid-Grendelmeier P, Nenoff P, Nowicki RJ, Emtestam L, Hay RJ. A survey among dermatologists: diagnostics of superficial fungal infections - what is used and what is needed to initiate therapy and assess efficacy? J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2019: ;33(2):421-427.
  50. Prohić A. Poparic S, Cemerlic A, Kapetanovic A. Erythema Ab Igne with Histological Features of Keratosis Lichenoides Chronica. Case Rep Dermatol 2021;13(1):184-189.
  51. Saunte DML, Pereiro-Ferreirós M, Rodríguez-Cerdeira C, Sergeev AY, Arabatzis M, Prohić A., Piraccini BM, Lecerf P, Nenoff P, Kotrekhova LP, Bosshard PP, Padovese V, Szepietowski JC, Sigurgeirsson B, Nowicki RJ, Schmid-Grendelmeier P, Hay RJ. Emerging antifungal treatment failure of dermatophytosis in Europe: take care or it may become endemic. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2021;35(7):1582-1586.
  1. Ibrulj-Prohić Đ. Prohić A Psychological motivation for tatoo. International Symposium. Split, Croatia, September 12-13, 1989.
  2. Mujadžić E, Mujadžić M, Prohić A Surgical margins around melanoma malignum: Report of two different protocols. Second Croatian Congress of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic surgery, Opatija, Croatia, September 4-8, 1999.
  3. Alendar F, Prohić A Radiotherapy treatment of skin tumors at Clinic of Dermatology in Sarajevo. First Congress of Radiologist Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo, October 14-16, 1999. Book of abstract p. 215.
  4. Prohić A, Mujađžić E, Alendar F, Mujađžić M. Psoriasis in children: The impact of the war action as a stress factor in the onset of children’s psoriasis. 6th Congress of the European Society for Pediactric Dermatology. Rome, September 14-18, 1999. Abstact book p. 285.
  5. Mujadžić M, Hujić H, Mešić H, Mujadžić E, Prohić A Treatment of post burn sequels on the upper extremity. 3rd Croatian Congress of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery with Internatiomal Participation. Split, Croatia, September 20-24, 2000. Abstract book p. 84.
  6. Alendar F, Prohić A The correlation of frequency between erythema nodosum and pulmonary diseases at the Dermatovenerolgy Clinic Sarajevo from 1989 to 1999. The first Congess of Pulmologist and Thoracis Surgeons B&H. Sarajevo , September 23-26, 1999. Medicinski arhiv 1999; 53 (supl.1): 67.
  7. Prohić A, Ožegović L. An epidemiological survey of dermatophytes isolated from human patients at the Dermatovenerology Clinic Sarajevo from 1997 to 1999. 58th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology. San Francisco, March 10-15, 2000. Abstract book p. 160.
  8. Prohić A, Babić M, Alendar F, Mujadžić E. A Family Epidemic of Microsporum canis infection. International Symposium: The current trends in Dermatomycology. Dubrovnik, 16.-17. June 2000. Acta Dermatovenereol Croat 2000;8(2): 119.
  9. Prohić A, Alendar F, Babić M, Mujadžić E. Scleredema adultorum: a case report. International Symposium Pediatric Dermatovenerology. Zagreb, 15.-16.September 2000. Acta Dermatovenereol Croat 2001;8(3): 201.
  10. Mujadžić E, Kasumagić E, Prohić A, Alendar F, Mujadžić M. Atopic dermatitis in children in Sarajevo during the war and postwar period. International Symposium Pediatric Dermatovenerology. Zagreb, 15.-16.septembar 2000. Acta Dermatovenereol Croat 2000;8(3): 191.
  11. Prohić A, Kasumagić E. Dermatomyosistis and Malignancy: Review of 9 cases. 59th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology. Washington DC, March 2-7, 2001. Abstract book, p. 181.
  12. Prohić A, Alendar F, Mujadžić E, Kasumagić E. The Role of Propionibacterium acnes in the Pathogenesis of Acne vulgaris. International Congress Skin Changes an the Face. Cavtat/Dubrovnik, September 20-23, 2001. Acta Dermatovenereol Croat 2001;9(3): 234.
  13. Alendar F. Prohić A, Alendar M. Basal cell carcinoma of the face treated by radiotherapy at the Department of Dermatology and Venerology in Sarajevo during last five years. International Congress Skin Changes an the Face. Cavtat/Dubrovnik, September 20-23, 2001 Acta Dermatovenereol Croat 2001;9(3): 245-246.
  14. Prohić A, Ozegović L, Simić D. The prevalence of Malassezia species in healthy school children. 9th World Congress of Pediatric Dermatology, Cancun, Mexico, 20-24 October 2001. Pediatric Dermatology Suppl to Vol.18. 4.July/August 2001:111.
  15. Simić D, Prohić A, Zeljko-Penavić J. The onset of Porokeratosis Mibelli in twelve year old girl. 9th World Congress of Pediatric Dermatology, Cancun, Mexico, 20-24 October 2001. Pediatric Dermatology Suppl to Vol.18. 4.July/August 2001: 96.
  16. Alendar F, Prohić A Angiotensin converting enzyme level serum in patients with psoriasis. 10th Congress of European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology, Munich, 10-14 October 2001. JEADV 2001;15 (Suppl.2): 237.
  17. Prohić A, Alendar F, Simić D, Suljagić E. Dermatophytoses in Sarajevo: An Epidemiological Study. 10th International Congress on Infectious Diseases, Singapore, 11-14 March 2002. Book of abstracts, p. 172.
  18. Suljagić E, Prohić A Local and Peroral Antibiotic Therapy for Facial Superficial Bacterial Infection. 10th International Congress on Infectious Diseases, Singapore, 11-14 March 2002. Book of abstracts, p. 151.
  19. Rozajac J, Prohić A, Kasumagić E, Mujadžić E, Rozajac S. The Efficacy of Bio-preparations in the Treatment of Tinea pedis. 10th International Congress on Infectious Diseases, Singapore, 11-14 March 2002. Book of abstracts, p. 172.
  20. Prohić A, Alendar F, Kasumagić E, Simić D, Suljagić E. A campaign for endemic syphilis eradication in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2nd Congress of Croatian Dermatovenerologists, Opatija, Croatia, May 16-19, 2002. Acta Dermatovenereol Croat 2002;10(2):92-93.
  21. Alendar F, Prohić A, Mujadzić E, Mujadzić M. Ulcerating basal cell carcinomas. 2nd Congress of Croatian Dermatovenerologists, Opatija, Croatia, May 16-19, 2002. Acta Dermatovenereol Croat 2002;10(2):123.
  22. Suljagić E, Prohić A, Sijercić N, Hadzigrahić N, Tupković E. Psychological distrubances in patients with alopecia areata. 2nd Congress of Croatian Dermatovenerologists, Opatija, Croatia, May 16-19, 2002. Acta Dermatovenereol Croat 2002;10(2): 121.
  23. Simić D, Prohić A, Zeljko-Penavić J. Treatment problems in patients with gonorrhoea. 2nd Congress of Croatian Dermatovenerologists, Opatija, Croatia, May 16-19, 2002. Acta Dermatovenereol Croat 2002;10(2): 129.
  24. Prohić A, Ožegović L, Alendar F, Mujadžić E, Kasumagić E. Malassezia species: How to identify them? 20th World Congress of Dermatology, Paris, France, July 1-5, 2002. Ann Dermatol Venereol 2002; 129: 1S670.
  25. Alendar F, Prohić A, Huskić J, Alendar M. Xeroderma pigmentosum: a case report. 20th World Congress of Dermatology, Paris, France, July 1-5, 2002. Ann Dermatol Venereol 2002; 129: 1S602.
  26. Prohić A Dermatophytoses in humans caused by Microsporum canis. Seminar: Mycoses and mycotoxicoses in domestic animals. Faculty of Veterinary Sarajevo, September 12, 2002. Abstact book, p. 12-16.
  27. Prohić A, Ozegovic L, Simic D. Malassezia species and seborrhoeic dermatitis in adolescents. 7th Congress European Society for Pediatric Dermatology, Barcelona, Spain, 21-23 November 2002. Eur J Pediatr Dermatol 2002; 56.
  28. Simić D, Zeljko-Penavić J, Prohić A Childhood acne: previous and update review. 7th Congress European Society for Pediatric Dermatology, Barcelona, Spain, 21-23 November 2002. Eur J Pediatr Dermatol 2002; 69.
  29. Prohic A. Psoriasis vulgaris and Malassezia yeasts: An immunological study. International Investigative Dermatology 2003, Miami, USA, April 30-May 4, 2003. Book of abstracts, p.52.
  30. Prohić A, Kantor M. Tinea incognita caused by Trichophyton verrucosum. International Congerss: Topical procedures, innovations and mistreatments in dermatovenerology. Plitvice, Croatia, May 29-31, 2003. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 2003; 11(2): 116.
  31. Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Samardzic S, Prohic A., Rahic J, Karacic A. Morphologic characterisctics of basal cell carcinoma. First B&H Symposium «Morphology in Science and Practice» with international participation. Sarajevo, September 25-27, 2003. Book of abstracts, p.23.
  32. Prohic A., Hujic-Colic A, Semanagic A, Muhovic J, Dujmmovic K. Histomorpholigical variants of lichen planus. First B&H Symposium «Morphology in Science and Practice» with international participation. Sarajevo, September 25-27, 2003. Book of abstracts, p.18.
  33. Simic D, Prohic A. How common skin Candida infection are? 9th Congress of the European Confederation of Medical Mycology, september 28-October 1, 2003, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Book of abstracts, p. 247.
  34. Prohic A., Simic D, Kantor M, Kasumagic E. Dermatomycoses of the face. 9th Congress of the European Confederation of Medical Mycology, September 28-October 1, 2003, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Book of abstracts, p. 241.
  35. Prohic A., Beslagic E, Kantor M, Kasumagic E, Rozajac J, Rozajac S. Streptococcal infection as a cause of erythema nodosum in adults. 9th International Congres of Dermatology, May 19-22, 2004, Beijing, China. Book of abstracts, p.349.
  36. Prohic A., Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Samardzic S. Zoophilic dermatophytes as the aetioological agents of dermatophytoses in humans. 13th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology, November 17-21, 2004, Florence, Italy. JEADV 2004; 18 (Suppl 2): 387.
  37. Prohic A. Immunologic urticaria. First Spring Allergy School. Clinical Center University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, 26th May 2005.
  38. Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Prohic A. Abnormalities of structure and function of the thyroid gland in patients with alopecia areata. 13th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology, November 17-21, 2004, Florence, Italy. JEADV 2004; 18 (Suppl 2): 246.
  39. Prohic A. Alendar F. Changes in Epidemiology of Dermatophytosis in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 12th International Congress on Infectious Diseases, Lisabon, Portugal, June 15-18, 2006. Book of abstracts, p. 73.
  40. Kasumagić- Halilović E, Kantor M, Prohic A., Alendar F. Common Pediatric Dermatoses. An Epidemiological study. 12th International Congress on Infectious Diseases, Lisabon, Portugal, June 15-18, 2006. Book of abstracts, p. 74.
  41. Prohic A. Skin and hair fungal infections. Sixth Spring Pediatric School. Clinical Center University of Sarajevo, June 2006.
  42. Prohic A., Alendar F, Helppikangas H. Lupus vulgaris mutilans. Fifth Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology, Rhodes, Greece, October 4-8, 2006.
  43. Prohic A. Drug exanthems. Second Spring Allergy School. Clinical Center University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, 4th May 2006.
  44. Prohić A History of Dermatovenerology in Bosnia and Herzegovina. First International Dermatovenerology Conference, Sarajevo, May 23-26, 2007. Book of abstracts, p. 21.
  45. Prohić A Ožegovic L. The Role of Malassezia in psoriasis. First International Dermatovenerology Conference, Sarajevo, May 23-26, 2007. Book of abstracts, p. 30.
  46. Ožegovic L Prohić A Babić M. Dermatomycoses in Bosnia and Herzegovina. First International Dermatovenerology Conference, Sarajevo, May 23-26, 2007. Book of abstracts, p. 29.
  47. Ovčina-Kurtović N, Ožegović L, Prohić A, Mirela Babić . The prevalence of Microsporum canis infection in the Sarajevo region during a ten years period (1997-2006). First International Dermatovenerology Conference, Sarajevo, May 23-26, 2007. Book of abstracts, p. 31.
  48. Selmanagić A, Prohić A, Kasumagić-Halilović E. Emotional stress as provoking factor in childhood psoriasis. First International Dermatovenerology Conference, Sarajevo, May 23-26, 2007. Book of abstracts, p. 59.
  49. Karačić A, Prohić A, Kantor M. Etiology of tinea capitis in Sarajevo area, Bosnia and Herzegovina. First International Dermatovenerology Conference, Sarajevo, May 23-26, 2007. Book of abstracts, p. 66.
  50. Prohić A Cell-mediated immunity in patients with psoriasis according to the distribution of isolated Malassezia yeasts. 21st World Congress of Dermatology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 30-October 5, 2007. Book of abstracts, p. 26.
  51. Helppikangas H, Prohic A., Almira Selmanagic A. Ichthyosis vulgaris dominant associated with atopy. World Congress of Dermatology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 30-October 5, 2007. Book of abstracts, p 652.
  52. Prohic A. Spa and welness in Bosnia and Herzegovina. First International Congress SPANTALYA2008, Antalia January 16-18, 2008.
  53. Prohić A The incidence and risk factor for developing postherpetic neuralgia. Internationale Investigative Dermatology, Kyoto, Japan, May, 14-17, 2008. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2008;128:193.
  54. Prohic A. Improvement of acne therapy. CME Dermatovenerology Clinic. Clinical Center University os Sarajevo, Sadajevo, 28th Ocrober 2008.
  55. Prohic A. Novel biologic therapies for psoriasis. 2nd World Conference on Magic Bullets, Nuremberg, October, 3-5, 2008. Book of abstracts, p. 26.
  56. Prohic A. Biologics for psoriasis. Workshop 'What's new in dermatology'. Sarajevo, 25th April 2008.
  57. Prohic A., Kasumagic-Halilovic E. Nicotine effects on premature skin aging. Anti-aging medicine world congress / medispa, March 19-21 2009, Monte Carlo. Book of abstracts, p. 158.
  58. Prohic A. Differential diagnosis of leg ulcers. First Symposium of chronic wounds. Tuzla, October, 1-2 2009.
  59. Prohic A., Kasumagic-Halilovic E. Tumour-stage mycosis fungoides in remission after local radiotherapy. Congress of Haematology and Immunology, Havana, Cuba, May 18-22, 2009. Book of abstracts p. 89.
  60. Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Prohic A. Serum iron concentrations in patients with alopecia areata and telogen effluvium. Congress of Haematology and Immunology, Havana, Cuba, May 18-22, 2009. Book of abstracts p. 201.
  61. Prohic A. Chronic autoimmune urticaria. Third Spring Allergy School. University Clinical Center of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, 30th May 2009.
  62. Prohic A. Kasumagic-Halilovic E. Hadzigrahic N. Identification of Malassezia species isolated from scalp skin of patients with seborrhoeic dermatitis and healthy subjects. 4th Trends in Medical Mycology, Athens, Greece, 18-21 October 2009, Mycoses 2009;52(s1):68.
  63. Prohić A. Scalp manifestations of systemic diseases. Symposium 'Hair and scalp diseases in clinical practice'. Mostar, 19th March 2010.
  64. Prohic A., Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Samardzic S. Induction of complete remission of tumor-stage mycosis fungoides following local radiotherapy.13th World Congress on Cancers of Skin, Madrid, Spain, 7-10 April 2010, Book of abstracts, p. 71.
  65. Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Prohic A., Omic S. Trichogram features of chemotherapy-induced hair loss. 13th World Congress on Cancers of Skin, Madrid, Spain, 7-10 April 2010, Book of abstracts, p. 71.
  66. Prohic A. Diversity of skin symptoms in Behçet's disease. 14th International Conference on Behcet disease. London, 8th – 10th July 2001, Abstract Book, p. 73.
  67. Prohić A The importance of Malassezia species in the pathogenesis of skin diseases. 4th Congress of Croatian Dermatovenerologists. Osijek/Vukovar, 5-8th May 2011. Abstract book p.58-59.
  68. Prohic A. Kasumagic-Halilovic E. Emotional stress as provoking factor in childhood psoriasis. 15th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Neuroscience and Biological Psychiatry. "Stress and Behavior" Conference. St-Petersburg, Russia, May 16-20, 2011. Book of abstracts p. 45.
  69. Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Prohic A. Relationship between psychiatric disorders and alopecia areata. 15th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Neuroscience and Biological Psychiatry. "Stress and Behavior" Conference. St-Petersburg, Russia, May 16-20, 2011. Book of abstracts p. 42.
  70. Prohic A. Malassezia yeasts and skin diseases. 67th Congress of the Brazilan Society of Dermatology. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 1-4, 2012. Congress book, p. 88.
  71. Prohic A. The role of fungal superantigens in psoriasis. 67th Congress of the Brazilan Society of Dermatology. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 1-4, 2012. Congress book, p. 98.
  72. Prohic A. Malassezia yeasts as a causative agents of onychomycosis. 2nd International Summit for Nail Deisease. Marrakesh, Marocco, April 3-5, 2013. Book of abstracts p . 96.
  73. Prohic A, Kantor M. Nail Lichen Planus. 2nd International Summit for Nail Deisease. Marrakesh, Marocco, April 3-5, 2013. Book of abstracts p . 104.
  74. Prohic A. Malignant Face Tumors. Fifth International Medical Symposium ''Days of BHAAAS in Mostar'', Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, April 25-27, 2013. p. 38.
  75. Prohic A, Simic D. Predicting factors of malignancy in dermatomyositis: anylysis of 42 cases. 22nd Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology. Istanbul, Turkey, 2-6 October, 2013, Abstract CD-ROM, p 690.
  76. Prohic A. Helppikangas H, Babic M. Dermatomycoses of the face: a 15-year survey. 22nd Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology. Istanbul, Turkey, 2-6 October, 2013, Abstract CD-ROM, p 971.
  77. Babic M, Prohic A, Alendar F, Radovic S, Hujic-Colic A. Brookw-Spiegler Syndrome: a case report. 22nd Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology. Istanbul, Turkey, 2-6 October, 2013, Abstract CD-ROM, p 1125.
  78. Simc D, Prohic A, Zeljko-Penavic J. The Adverse effects of isotretinoin in acne patients. 22nd Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology. Istanbul, Turkey, 2-6 October, 2013, Abstract CD-ROM , p 043.
  79. Prohic A, Kantor M. Epidemiology of zoophylic dermatophytes in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 16th International Congress on Infectious Diseases, Cape Town, Sauth Africa, 2-5 May 2014, CD ROM, abstract No54.015.
  80. Prohic A, Jovovic-Sadikovic T, Krupalija-Fazlic M. Clinical and mycological aspects of tinea faciei. 23rd Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology. Amsterdam, 8-12 October, 2014, Abstract CD-ROM, p 1007.
  81. Jovovic Sadikovic T, Krupalija-Fazlic M, Prohic A, Selmanagic A. Postherpetic neuralgia: The incidence and risk factors. 23rd Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology. Amsterdam, 8-12 October, 2014, Abstract CD-ROM, p 705.
  82. Prohic A. Many Faces of Mycosis fungoides. 11th EADV Symposium Tradition & Inovation. Belgrade, Serbia, 22-25 Nay, 2014, Abstract CD-ROM, p 321.
  83. Helppikangas H, Prohic A, Dragana S, Mirsad B. Psoriasis, postraumatic stress disorder and traumatic events. 11th EADV Symposium Tradition & Inovation. Belgrade, Serbia, 22-25 May, 2014, Abstract CD-ROM, p 544.
  84. Prohic A. Clinicalopathologic aspects of Gorlin-Goltz syndrome. 1st Euro-Asian Melanoma Congres in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Sarajevo 18-21 September, 2014, Abstract Book.
  85. Helppikangas H, Alendar F, Prohic A, Kasumagic-Halilovic E, Hujic-Colic A, Jukic M, Selmanagic A, Kurtovic N, Karacic A. Follow up of dysplastic nevi. 1st Euro-Asian Melanoma Congres in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Sarajevo 18-21 September, 2014, Abstract Book.
  86. Krupalija-Fazlić M, Jovovic Sadiković T, Prohic A. Skin metastases of malignant melanoma: a case report. 1st Euro-Asian Melanoma Congres in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Sarajevo 18-21 September, 2014, Abstract Book.
  87. Jovovic Sadikovic T, Krupalija-Fazlić M, Prohic A, Selmanagic A, Jusufbegovic E. Tumor stage mycosis fungoides. 1st Euro-Asian Melanoma Congres in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Sarajevo 18-21 September, 2014, Abstract Book.
  88. Prohic A. Dermatophyte infection of the male genitalia: A rare occurrence? The 4th International Symposium: Sexually Transmitted Infections – New Horizons. Brijuni Islands, Croatia, September 26-28, 2014, Abstract Book, p. 46.
  89. Prohic A. Kantor M. Distribution of Malassezia species in patients with seborrhoeic dermatitis and healthy subjects. 12th EADV Spring Symposium,Vanencia, Spain, March 5-8 2015, Abstract CD-ROM, p 422.
  90. Prohic A.  Manifestation of systemic diseases on the scalp. Symposium Banjaluka, March 28th, Banjaluka, Bosnia.
  91. Prohic A. Premature skin aging related to cigarette smoking. Second Regional Congress of Corrective Dermatology. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 17-20. September 2015. Book of abstracts, p. 16. lis. 15.
  92. Prohić A. Pigmentary disorders in childhood XVIII Belgrade Dermatology Days, Belgrade, Sava Centar, Novembar 5-7, 2015.
  93. Prohic A. Tinea capitis: etiological agents around the world. 24the EADV Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, 7-11 October 2015.
  94. Krupalija-Fazlic M, Jovovic Sadikovic T, Prohic A, Helppikangas H, Joguncic A. Ugly ducking sign as a parametar in diagnosis of melanoma. 24the EADV Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, 7-11 October 2015. Abstract CD-ROM, p 0887.
  95. Jovovic Sadikovic T,  Krupalija-Fazlic M, Prohic A, Tafi Z, Helppikangas H, Joguncic A. Ballon cell malignant melanoma – case report. 24the EADV Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, 7-11 October 2015. Abstract CD-ROM, p 0630.
  96. Prohic A. Alopecia areata. 13th EADV Spring Symposium, 19-22 May 2016, Athens, Greece, Abstract CD-ROM, D1.T2.3C.
  97. Prohic A. Alopecia areata: What’s new in treatment? 13th EADV Spring Symposium, 19-22 May 2016, Athens, Greece, Abstract CD-ROM, D3.T4.1B.
  98. Jovovic Sadikovic T, Doss N, Prohic A, Selmanagic A, Muhovic J, Krupalija-Fazlic M, Solakovic N, Cekic-Causevic S. Mucosal involvement in Sweet's syndrome: a case report. 13th EADV Spring Symposium, 19-22 May 2016, Athens, Greece, Abstract CD-ROM, P0609.
  99. Prohic A. State of Development of the Psoriasis International Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 5th Congress of the Psoriasis Ineternational Network, Paris, France, 7-9. July 2016.
  100. Prohic A. An Update on Management of Psoriasis In Children. Derma Regional 2016, 3rd Regional Congress of Dermatology & Venereology, 8-11 September 2016, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Book of Abstracts, p. 50.
  101. Prohic A. Pathophysiology of Alopecia Areata. 25th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology (EADV), Vienna, Austria, 28. Sepetember – 2. October 2016.
  102. Prohić A. Clinical variants and stages of basal cell carcinoma. ISD Regional Meeting: Many faces of Dermatology – Clinical, Surgical Aesthetical. Dubrovnik, Croatia, February 02-05, 2017.
  103. Prohić A. Malassezia yeasts in skin diseases. 20th congress of the Serbian Association of Dermatovenerologists. Belgrade, Serbia, May 18-20, 2017.
  104. Prohic A. Mycotic infections of the scalp. 26th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology (EADV), Sepetember 13-17, 2017, Geneva, Switzerland, CD-ROM D2T01.4C.
  105. Prohić A. Psoriasis: a systemic disease and conventional treatment optimisation. First Psoriasis Symposium, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13-15 October 2017, Abstract CD-ROM.
  106. Prohić A. Secukinumab in the treatment of moderate-to-severe psoriasis. First Psoriasis Symposium, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13-15 October 2017, Abstract CD-ROM.
  107. Poparić S, Tashbulatova D, Varupa H, Muhović J, Prohić A. Methotrexate in childhood psoriasis: a case report. First Psoriasis Symposium, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13-15 October 2017, Abstract CD-ROM.
  108. Smajlović H, Hasić-Mujanović M, Prohić A. Anxiety and depression in patients with psoriasis. First Psoriasis Symposium, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13-15 October 2017, Abstract CD-ROM.
  109. Osmanbegović A, Mujagić A, Ivković A, Gačanin M, Opardija L, Opardija L, Palikuća A, Berbić E, Prohić A. History of psoriasis. First Psoriasis Symposium, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13-15 October 2017, Abstract CD-ROM.
  110. Osmanbegović A, Mujagić A, Ivković A, Gačanin M, Opardija L, Opardija L, Palikuća A, Berbić E, Prohić A. History of the treatment of psoriasis. First Psoriasis Symposium, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13-15 October 2017, Abstract CD-ROM.
  111. Šabić A, Jusić L, Muhić A, Hadžić S, Mustedanagić A, Burić L, Čampara Č, Prohić A. Case of concurrent psoriasis and vitiligo. First Psoriasis Symposium, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13-15 October 2017, Abstract CD-ROM.
  112. Alijević U, Pajt E, Karahodžić V, Tobudić M, Ramić N, Kubat E, Islamovic H, Prohić A.  Posttraumatic stress disorder in patients with psoriasis. First Psoriasis Symposium, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13-15 October 2017, Abstract CD-ROM.
  113. Prohic A. What-s new in Tinea incognito? 3rd International Dermatology and Cosmetology Congress. Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 March 2018, Abstract CD-ROM.
  114. Prohic A. Alcohol and Skin. 3rd International Dermatology and Cosmetology Congress. Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 March 2018 Abstract CD-ROM.
  115. Prohic A. Moulds Infections in Dermatology. 3rd International Dermatology and Cosmetology Congress. Istanbul, Turkey, 14-17 March 2018 Abstract CD-ROM.
  116. Prohic A. Dangerous of aberrant hair care. 15th EADV Spring Symposium. Budva, Montenegro 3-6 May 2018, Abstract CD-ROM.
  117. Prohic A. Dangerous of aberrant hair care. 13th World Congress of Cosmetic Dermatrology. Dubrovnik, Craotia, 27th June - 1 st July 2018, Abstract CD-ROM.
  118. Prohic A. Mycotic infections of the scalp. 27th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology (EADV), Sepetember 12-16, 2018,  Paris, France, CD-ROM.
  119. Prohic A. Alopecia areata update. 6th Congress of Croatian Dermatovenerologist with International Participation. October 4–7, 2018, Pula, Croatia, Abstracts CD-ROM.
  120. Prohic A. Dangerous of aberrant hair care. ASKED: Izazovi u estetskoj dermatologiji, December 14–15, 2018, Beograd, Hotel Hilton, Abstracts CD-ROM.
  121. Prohic A. Malassezia yeasts and skin diseases.  ”23rd Alp-Danube-Adria Congress On Sexually Transmitted Infections and Genital Dermatology”. March 22-24, 2019, Bled, Slovenia, Abstracts CD-ROM.
  122. Prohic A. Mold infections in dermatology. World Congress of Dermatology, June 10-15, Milan, Italy, Abstracts CD-ROM.
  123. Prohic A. Non–scarring folliculitis of the scalp. 29th EADV Congress, October 8-13, 2019, Madrid, Spain, Abstracts CD-ROM.
  124. Prohic A. Two generations of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis type NPS-3. 29th EADV Congress, October 8-13, Madrid, Spain., Abstracts CD-ROM.
  125. Prohic A. Systemic therapy for psoriasis in children. Belgrade Dermatology Days, Belgrade, Serbia, November 14-16, 2019.
  126. Prohic A. Beauty treatments side effects: my interesting cases. ASKED, December 13–14, 2019, Beograd, Belgrade, Abstracts CD-ROM.
  127. Prohic A. Andrgenic alopecia. 30th EADV Congress, October 28-November 1, 2020, Vienna, Austria, Abstracts CD-ROM.
  128. Prohic A. Andrgenic alopecia. ASKED, December 4-5, 2020, Beograd, Serbia, virtual.
  129. Prohic A. Scalp folliculitis. ASKED, December 3-4, 2021, Beograd, Serbia, virtual.
  130. Prohic A. Scalp folliculitis. Guinea International Congress of Dermatology – 2022, January 19-21, virtual.
  131. Prohic A. Andrgenic alopecia. EADV Symposium, May 12-14, 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Abstracts CD-ROM.
  132. Prohic A. Differential diagnosis of scalp folliculitis. Belgrade Dermatology Days, May 25-28, 2022, Belgrade, Serbia, Abstracts CD-ROM.
  133. Prohic A. Alopecia areata: from genetics to emerging new therapies. 7th SPIN Congress, July 6-8, 2022, Paris, France.
  134. Prohic A. Differential diagnosis of alopecia areta. 7th SPIN Congress, July 6-8, 2022, Paris, France.
  135. Prohic A. Management of Erysipelas, 31st EADV Congress, September 7-10, Milan, Italy.
  136. Prohic A. The burden and therapeutic approach to recurrent anogenital candidiasis. 5th International symposium: Sexually transmitted infections - new horizons, September 16-18, 2022, Brijuni, Croatia.
  137. Prohic A. New and amerging therapies for alopecia areata. ASKED, December 9-10, 2022, Beograd, Serbia.

